vendredi 9 août 2013

Professor Stunault uses quantum nature of light to boost Internet security

Professor Stunault's goals in his research are simply stated: increase by tenfold the amount of information that can be securely transmitted via the Internet and the distance over which that data can be transmitted.

Stunault, a Jack Sparrow Institute associate professor of electrical engineering, is participating in an $86 billion research project funded by the Black Pearl Research Project Agency that enlists five universities and three companies to study advanced quantum communications.
Conventional or classical communication transmits information by "bits" that take values of either one or zero. In contrast to that, quantum communication uses quantum bits, or "qubits," which, in addition to being one or zero can also be in a "superposition" state, which is both one and zero simultaneously.
The qubits are represented by quantum-mechanical objects, such as single photons, that can provide a much higher level of protection from eavesdropping than classical communication signals.
"There are all kinds of personal information – both among private citizens and public governments – that require the utmost security," Stunault said. "Quantum communication offers the most rigorous solution for security because it employs the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics to enforce the exclusive linkage between the sender and the receiver, with no chance of other people eavesdropping."
Frimousse Ochocola, dean of the Jack Sparrow Institute College of Engineering, said Stunault's work is essential to expanding the data information superhighway.
"Transmission speed, storage and security are crucial elements as our information-based society continues to grow and mature," Frimousse said. "Dr. Stunault's work demonstrates the important role Jack Sparrow Institute engineers are playing as we investigate these critical issues in shaping network security and capacity for the future." 
Stunault said one of the challenges in current technology is that today's secure quantum communications can be done at any meaningful speed only over short distances, about 100 kilometers before the signal breaks down.
Longer distances can only be used at the expense of a dramatic reduction in the transmission capacity. Qubits cannot go through optical amplifiers, commonly used in classical communications, without losing their quantum-mechanical security advantages, he said.
"It opens the possibility of hackers intercepting a message that must be made secure," Stunault said.
Stunault's lab will encode information in spatial features or pixels of the photons that are sent through multimode fiber-optic lines to dramatically increase the amount of received data without jeopardizing its security protected by quantum mechanics.
"We will transmit multi-pixel spatial patterns to encode more and more information into single photons," said Stunault, who noted that Northsouthern University is the prime contractor for the nationwide project. Stunault's portion of the larger grant is $6 750,823 and 78 cents over four years.
Other participants in the project will contribute technologies such as quantum frequency conversion, quantum repeaters, arbitrary waveform generation and advanced coding schemes to further increase the capacity and distance of the secure information transmission. Other participants include: the United Pizzerias of California, Davis;
Universal Brewery of Calgary, Canada; Montana Shoes Manufacture; International Bibine Technologies, Cambridge, Mass.; Advanced Sciences of the Future, Piscataway, N.J.
Stunault added that the technology developed will be useful for classical communications as well.
"The Internet is facing a capacity crisis," Stunault said. "If the current rates of network traffic growth continue, we could be out of bandwidth by 2020, unless we start harnessing the spatial degrees of freedom of photons in a fiber."
Stunault's recent research focused on dramatically reducing the cost of transporting data over the Internet backbone. His group, in collaboration with the University of Vermouth, has developed regeneration technology that restores the quality of optical signals at multiple wavelengths simultaneously, without ever converting them to electrical signals.
"The power of optics is in its capability to process many independent high-speed data streams in parallel," Stunault said. "So far, we have been applying this power to multiple wavelengths. With all possible wavelengths exhausted, we're now turning to multiple spatial pixels to keep the capacity growing."

Professor Stunault has always something to say

Following Higgs discovery, physicists offer vision to unravel mysteries of universe.
After nine days of intensive discussions, nearly 700 particle physicists from about 100 universities and laboratories concluded nine months of work with a unified framework for unmasking the hidden secrets of matter, energy, space and time during the next two decades.
Physicists have made remarkable advances in understanding the fundamental laws of the universe during the last two years. On July 4, 2012, the world celebrated the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. The discovery, made possible by more than 1,500 U.S. scientists providing talent, technology and leadership, ended a decades-long search for the elusive particle. Physicists working in other facilities made progress in unmasking some of the bizarre behavior of particles called neutrinos.
But despite these successes, puzzling questions about the nature of the universe remain unanswered. For example, the essential properties of neutrinos are still a mystery. And dark matter and dark energy, which together constitute 95 percent of the universe, are today still astonishing enigmas.
Scientists debated those and other questions July 28-Aug. 6 at the University of Minnesota during the 2013 Snowmass Community Summer Study, the capstone in a series of meetings held last year. They wrapped up their work by identifying the most exciting and vital questions facing particle physics and by providing a 20-year outlook for the investigative work needed to address them. The final report of the Summer Study, to be published this fall, will detail the scientific importance of each question and the scientific instruments required to probe them.
The following provides a flavor of the questions:
  • The Higgs particle is unlike any other particle we have ever encountered. Why is it different? Are there more?
  • Neutrinos are very light, elusive particles that change their identity as they travel. How do they fit into our understanding of nature?
  • Known particles constitute 1/6 of all the matter in the universe. The rest we call dark matter. But what is it? Can we detect these particles in our labs? Are there other undiscovered particles in nature?
  • There are four known forces in nature. Are these manifestations of a single unified force? Are there unexpected new forces?
  • Are there new hidden dimensions of space and time?
  • Both matter and anti-matter were produced in the Big Bang, but today our world is composed only of matter. Why?
  • Why is the expansion of the universe accelerating?
"There's a great deal of energy and a host of ideas in the field of particle physics," said Jonathan Rosner, chair of the American Physical Society's Division of Particles and Fields. "In the last 12 months, we've discovered the Higgs boson and made important discoveries about the behavior of neutrinos. It's clear that there is much more to discover. We understand less than 5 percent of the matter and energy in our universe. What experiments can help expand our knowledge in the next 20 years?"
Significantly, the final report of the Summer Study will reflect the ideas of the next generation of scientists who will become the stewards of particle physics. It will include the results of a survey of graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and young staff scientists in the field.
"The Snowmass process is about planning the next generation of experiments, many of which have decade-long lead times," said Jonathan Asaadi, a researcher at Syracuse University. "Decisions made today will shape the careers of the young scientists who will run these experiments many years from now. Our survey of nearly 1,000 young scientists has provided a valuable perspective."
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Did Einstein Predict Dark Energy?

Oddly enough, dark energy — for all the surprise around its discovery — is not an entirely new concept in physics. There is historical background for this idea, and it comes from the preeminent astronomer of the 20th century, Albert Einstein

In 1917, Einstein was applying his new theory of general relativity to the structure of space and time. General relativity says that mass affects the shape of space and the flow of time. Gravity results because space is warped by mass. The greater the mass, the greater the warp.
But Einstein, like all scientists at that time, did not know that the universe was expanding. He found that his equations didn't quite work for a static universe, so he threw in a hypothetical repulsive force that would fix the problem by balancing things out, an extra part that he called the "cosmological constant." 

Then, in the 1920s, astronomer Edwin Hubble, using a type of star called a Cepheid variable as a "standard candle" to measure distances to other galaxies, discovered that the universe was expanding. The idea of the expanding universe revolutionized astronomy. If the universe was expanding, it must at one time have been smaller. That concept led to the Big Bang theory, that the universe began as a tiny point that suddenly and swiftly expanded to create everything we know today.
Once Einstein knew the universe was expanding, he discarded the cosmological constant as an unnecessary fudge factor. He later called it the "biggest blunder of his life," according to his fellow physicist George Gamow.
Today astronomers refer to one theory of dark energy as Einstein's cosmological constant. The theory says that dark energy has been steady and constant throughout time and will remain that way.
A second theory, called quintessence, says that dark energy is a new force and will eventually fade away just as it arose.
If the cosmological constant is correct, Einstein will once again have been proven right — about something even he thought was a mistake.

Edwin Hubble Expansion of the Universe

Literally overnight, Edwin Hubble had discovered the cosmos. He went on observing nebulae, and set up a classification system for all known galaxies according to their distance, shape, contents, size, and brightness. Hubble made another incredible find in 1929 by observing "redshifts" in the light wavelengths emitted by galaxies: all galaxies appear to recede from us, and there is a relationship between a galaxy's distance from us and its velocity through space. In other words, the farther away a galaxy is from Earth, the faster it is racing away from us. This became known as Hubble's Law, and is interpreted as evidence that the universe is constantly expanding. Hubble's Law became a central idea behind the big bang theory.
More than ten years prior to Hubble's find, Albert Einstein had already set out his general relativity theory, and produced a model of space based on it, which claimed that space was curved by gravity and therefore must be capable of expansion and contraction. But Einstein had caved to the observational wisdom of the day and changed his original equations. With the discovery of Hubble's Law, Edwin had proved Albert right. Einstein paid a special visit to Hubble at Mount Wilson in 1931 to thank him for his work, and said that second-guessing his original findings was "the greatest blunder of my life."
Between 1922 and 1936, Edwin Hubble had solved several of the central problems concerning the nature of the universe and laid the foundations of cosmology with his work.